Head Office
Hastane Mh. Akdemir Sk.
No:4D Hadımköy-Arnavutköy, 34555
İstanbul, TÜRKİYE
Phone: +90 (212) 771 0035
Mobile: +90 (536) 382 4662
Tartes Tarım
Cumhuriyet Mahallesi 5128 Sk. No:14
Görece, Menderes, İzmir, TÜRKİYE, 35470
Tel: +90 (232) 781 0681
Fax: +90 (232) 781 26 77
Import Handel Groll
Gustav Heinemann Ufer 82-90
Köln, GERMANY, 50968
Tel: +49-15770619661
Mail: de@plantekno.com
Uraban Gartneren AS.
Fannestrandveien 21
Molde, NORWAY, 6415
Tel: +47-4810-5548
Mail: service@bygartner1.no
Rue de I’industrie 2
Conthey, SWITZERLAND, 1964
Tel: +41 78 653 1459
Mail: ch@plantekno.com
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